Though closer, in many respects, to the remote, mythic realms conjured up in her "Canopus in Argos" series, it's even less imaginatively rendered.
When he was with her, Philip felt as if he were sinking deeper and deeper into the continent of Asia, into a mythic realm beyond the pale of mere mortals.
I had stepped into a mythic realm, though I didn't know it yet.
Paul mentions only the crucifixion, the resurrection and the ascension and presents them as having occurred in a mythic realm rather than an earthly one.
And all is not ancient in this mythic realm; there is an A.T.M. in Hades, and other anachronisms.
At once austere and intense, his language conjures these mythic realms with chilly ardor, even as his fascination with narrative innovation is placed firmly in the service of his characters' stories.
Numenor - Lord Mariner, and emperor of the mythic realm of Bensaylum.
That moved him into the mythic realm of "yellow jersey on the road," where all dreams are possible.
The mythic realm of heroes and monsters has become the site of humanity's final showdown.
In this mythic realm, conspiracies and government evil-doing become not the object of outrage, except among a chosen few, but merely a fact of life, no more alterable than the weather.