Anachronism is not infrequent in later mythic traditions.
The peculiar idiom of describing the treasury of souls as a "body" may be connected to the mythic tradition of Adam Kadmon, the primordial man.
The villagers' mythic tradition provided a basis for this revenge of Woman upon the dominion of Man, and, remarkably, Tuzin himself became a principal figure in its narratives.
I mean, it's a very interesting concept and all, but my people have never indulged in that sort of mythic tradition.
Maybe it's because they fit squarely in the mythic tradition of twins as symbols of darkness and light, good and evil.
The Egyptologist David Frankfurter argues that these rituals adapt basic mythic traditions to fit the specific ritual, creating elaborate new stories based on myth.
Where the written sources fail, through accidents of history, sometimes the continuity of a mythic tradition can be found among the vase-painters.
As the culture hero, Coyote appears in various mythic traditions, but generally with the same magical powers of transformation, resurrection, and then Coyote's "medicine".
Viktor Rydberg pointed out other passages which may be of relevance here, believing them to be mythic traditions, barely corrupted by time and a change of religion.