The second part, however, follows a mythological tradition alluded to by Ovid.
These pairings are often taken as "marriages" in the anthropomorphic mythological tradition.
Later mythological traditions describe the two brothers embarking on other adventures as well, including the capture of the Palladium.
This is clearly shown by their mythological traditions.
In the later mythological tradition of the Christian era, ancient deities and their narratives were often interpreted allegorically.
The Hopi maintain a complex religious and mythological tradition stretching back over centuries.
The basis of modern storytelling in both cinema and television lies deeply rooted in the mythological tradition.
Cosmological and mythological traditions with emphasis on the four epochs.
In addition to the combination of the two mythological traditions, the association of the Romans with eastern religions led to further syncretizations.
The mythological tradition and its place in Renaissance humanism and art.