Cellular uptake of naked DNA is generally inefficient.
An alternative to transfection with adenoviral vector is the injection of naked DNA into the muscle followed by electroporation.
But smooth muscle cells, like those lining an artery wall, will take up and use so-called naked DNA, the raw genes themselves.
Many species of bacteria can slurp up naked DNA or pass it to one another on tiny genetic ringlets.
Since, mycoplasmas have no cell wall, the transfer of a naked DNA into their cell is possible.
Viral vectors were originally developed as an alternative to transfection of naked DNA for molecular genetics experiments.
The transcription factors can only see sites in the naked DNA that lies between two nucleosomes.
DNase I cleavage of the naked DNA is poor within the A n.
And since naked DNA is quickly degraded in the bloodstream, genes that did not migrate into the smooth muscle cells would be destroyed.
This is naked DNA in a water solution.