In the regular season finale, Brown ran for a first down on a naked bootleg to clinch a 24-21 victory over Rutgers.
A naked bootleg relies on the defense buying the fake handoff and moving to tackle the running back rather than the quarterback.
On the next drive, Smith cemented the victory by leading yet another touchdown drive, and rushing for a touchdown on a naked bootleg.
On the Giants' fourth offensive play of the game, with Washington already ahead by 14-0, Graham ran right on a naked bootleg.
Two plays later, Wilson scored on 1-yard touchdown run on a naked bootleg which closed out the third quarter.
Hey, we might even loosen up and start to run Brad on a few naked bootlegs and get him moving.
A naked bootleg is a risky variation of this play when the quarterback has no blockers pulling out with him.
The Colts drove deep into Patriots territory on their next drive, and Manning pulled off a masterful naked bootleg on fourth-and-1 for 19 yards.
San Francisco delivered the final blow with Smith running for an 18-yard TD on a naked bootleg with no defenders near him.
The Jets cannot count on a wobbly naked bootleg from Chad Pennington every week, after all.