He is known to have wandered the streets and the courts of the emperor completely naked.
The naked emperor failed to maintain my attention, but perhaps that story seemed all too familiar.
Mr. Altman is his own naked emperor this time.
We don't need more shake-ups, naked emperors or wheel inventors.
Everyone can stand and point at the naked emperors of this Alice in Wonderland fairytale.
Without his secrets, he would be nothing but a naked emperor ruling a starving nation.
He was just too much of a personality, and he was like the little boy at the parade that kept pointing out the emperor's naked.
Politicians should wise up and treat the self-fulfilling prophecies of these naked emperors with the contempt that they deserve.
He's a good musician, a pretty good conductor but a naked emperor.
Audience members unacquainted with Mr. Maxwell's previous work may conclude he is yet another naked emperor of the avant-garde.