For a period, the prize for best comic book was named "Alfred" after his creation.
Originally named Alfred, he changed his name to Alistair when he was 22.
In addition, there was no early settler named Alfred (first or last name) for whom the town might have been named.
In 1883 they had a son named Alfred, who later studied chemistry before dying in 1918.
On the far side of the bar, a businessman named Alfred nodded.
The protagonist is an Englishman named Alfred on a German pilgrimage.
The game also featured a new secret challenger named Alfred.
Juhel had two daughters and a son named Alfred, the latter who died without progeny before 1139.
His only son, also named Alfred, was killed in service during the First World War.
He meets a man named Alfred at a hotel, who was recently evicted from his home.