The film is about a man named "Clarence" (Based & played by 50 cent) who lives with his mom and his genius brother "Shaka".
English elites appear to be more interested in a cricket tournament, and the country is eventually saved by a boy scout named Clarence.
He and his family find a cross-eyed lion which they name Clarence and adopt as a household pet.
He photographed a scrawled apology on a wall from someone named Clarence: "I'm sorry I did you wrong."
And we are immediately introduced to the toughest case in Mrs. Zajac's room, a boy named Clarence.
No angel named Clarence had saved Andy Fallon from his fate.
George Bailey, who thought he was a failure, realized (thanks to an angel named Clarence) that he had a wonderful life.
The first casket contains the body of a man named Clarence.
On Jan. 25, in a first-grade special education classroom, a boy knocked a classmate named Clarence to the ground, rendering him unconscious.