It is the meandering, irreverent story of a convenience-store clerk named Dante and his friend Randel, who works in the video store next door.
One day, she meets with her high-school friend, a taxi driver named Dante, who is simple and ethical man.
Omar Little is back in town with a new boyfriend named Dante in tow.
The main character is named Dante and his loved one is called Beatrice, just as in Dante's Inferno.
Melody finds her father and wins the heart of a young man named Dante.
Upon arrival, she befriends a girl named Eleanor, and becomes romantically linked to a mysterious boy named Dante.
The marriage brought them two sons named Dante and Vergil, both whom were Nephilim.
They had a son named Dante and a daughter named Inez.
She has one older brother named Dante and one older sister named Emily.
He has two younger siblings named Natalia and Dante.