Mr. Summers, a 23-year-old Bronx premedical student, has testified that he was terrorized into traveling to the mall by a neighborhood drug lord named Dino.
People named Dino:
The core gameplay revolves around a dinosaur-lizard hybrid named Dino whose insatiable craving for pastries has landed him in a "sticky" situation.
Advertisements (and the bottles themselves) used to feature a green dinosaur mascot named Dino, similar to Nesquik's Quicky the Rabbit.
So it was with keen anticipation that all participants in the 29-day-old trial greeted the defense lawyers' summoning to the stand of a man named Dino.
"Have you ever heard of a notorious drug dealer named Dino?"
"Personally, I have never heard of a crime figure named Dino in the Edenwald housing project," he said.
Mr. Summers contends that a swaggering neighborhood drug lord named Dino demanded that he steal the Jeep.
Some months passed from that event, where both Baran and Soara lived happy and without concerns, taking care of baby Dai (whom they named Dino.)
Mr. Summers insists that he only agreed to drive the Jeep and that the killer was a Bronx drug dealer named Dino.