Sunkuli is alleged to have offered money for an abortion, but the girl, a fourteen year old named Florence, decided to keep her baby.
In a coffee shop, he strikes up an acquaintance with a stripper named Florence (Molly Parker), who then tantalizes him in an after-hours club.
"I'd asked her what was wrong," said the daughter whose desire to honor her mother, also named Florence, inspired her to beat the odds, on and off the field.
He had a wife named Florence and 4 daughters and a son.
Additionally, Jerome was engaged to a woman named Florence (Pauleen Luna).
Sophia is credited with suggesting he be named Florence, and he became Percy Florence*.
He remarried again to a woman named Florence, who bore him four children (including twins), the last child born when he was fifty-four.
Kinney eventually married Tom Egan's sister Catherine, with whom he would have a daughter named Florence.
A sickly, aging psychic named Florence, whom Miles takes care of, is the only one who understands his potential, but she is in no shape to help him.
Warren had a wife named Florence.