"Guy named Gavin," Farrell said.
He has a rival named Gavin, who is also something of a friend, and the two repeatedly bump into each other in their hunt for "IT".
He also has three sons named Gavin, Truman, and Winston.
On September 1, 2007 she gave birth to a baby boy named Gavin.
Rosa then proceeds to solve two more murder cases and finds out that Lise had both referred both to a man named Gavin.
Soon, Emma makes a startling discovery- that Theo is not Brooke and herself's real father, but her late mother, Anna had a lover named Gavin.
Fink is living in Wilkes Barre, Pennsylvania, United States and had a son born in 2001 named Gavin.
Marshall has a son named Gavin who is 13 years old.
Ramsay home-reared a pair of Charollais-Welsh lambs, named Charlotte and Gavin.
A guy named Gavin dropped in on the hunting party a little while ago.