His wife Jessie (Fawcett) has begun a relationship with a youth minister named Horace.
There's the real story behind Attorney General Janet Reno: "An oddball radical, she owns 35 pet peacocks, all named Horace!"
The Hong Kong Morris has its own hobby horse named Horace, normally represented by Martin Samson.
On his first day of training, Horace was renamed Jim by a Corporal that didn't want a soldier named Horace coming into his billet.
Parping Ponies, where a horse named Horace and his aunt Hortense try to avoid embarrassment that usually results from Horace's flatulence problem.
They began to call him Cheese, even though his mother named him Horace, for no other reason than because she wanted one of her boys to be smart.
Emily longs to become pregnant with a child that Julian wants to name Horace.
Tiffany is very skilled at making cheese; and owns one particular Blue Lancre, named Horace, which habitually eats mice.
Her other constant companion was a parrot named Horace.