My younger brother was named Joel, and he ran away the day of his brother's funeral.
Eventually, however, he meets a kid named Joel, who is highly interested in the hross.
There he meets twins named Gemma and Joel who pledge to help the lost wizard find his way back home.
The man, a Con Edison retiree named Joel, lost his mother nearly two years ago.
The small system strengthened rapidly and was soon named Joel, although still classified as a Subtropical Depression.
She turns around and is upset to find Alexis talking to a guy named Joel.
Fritz gets Brenda a kitten named "Joel" at the end of Season 5.
Colleen was struck by the boy named Joel.
The boy named Joel kept talking about his airline reservation.
It was only much later that Yale Hubbard would realize that the husband named Joel wasn't coming with her to the office anymore.