The infant weighed 6 pounds 8 ounces and was named Louis, after his great-great-grandfather.
Things suddenly took a different course, however, when the Queen had three children in quick succession, starting with a son named Louis in 1081.
Ned's parents live in Michigan, and he has a half-brother named Louis.
In 1997, the database was named Louis and made available on the Internet.
In the late 1960's, Ms. Rice began writing a short story about an interview with a vampire named Louis.
Both men named Louis are commemorated by elaborate Baroque monuments.
On 4 August, Mary gave birth to their second son, who was named Louis after his deceased father.
Some freak named Louis who's stalking a woman from the trailer park.
As they walk out, they are followed by a man named Louis who had a restraining order filed against him.
Terkel received his nickname while he was acting in a play with another person named Louis.