The woman named Lydia and her 49 sisters have sailed away from Greece.
Then, through the arch came, not Dorcas, but another girl named Lydia, known to him by sight and by name but hardly recognisable.
The lion family adopts a mouse, who becomes Anthony's sister and is named Lydia.
Prof. Zukowski then ruminates over his own double life, having fathered an illegitimate child 19 years prior with a fellow student named Lydia.
He has two children, named Lydia and Anthony, from his first marriage.
She has a younger brother named Dallas and a younger sister named Lydia.
It is about a teenage goth girl named Lydia who does not like her school peers and from nowhere a ghost, named Beetlejuice, appears.
Later he marries another African woman named Lydia, and it takes three more years to save up her freedom price.
The woman named Lydia turned to Rachel.
The pert thing named Lydia.