The baby of the family was named Maggie after Groening's youngest sister.
He has a young daughter named Maggie, but with no relation to the aforementioned papermaster.
Albert and Lou also had a daughter named Maggie before marriage and put her up for adoption.
He loved only one woman, a prostitute named Maggie, who gave birth to his only son, Newt.
Only Matthew admitted to having any kind of crush at all, on a girl named Maggie, who happened to play softball.
"His mother was a woman named Maggie," he said.
This is a story about a twelve-year-old girl named Maggie who has been kicked out of many boarding schools and foster homes.
These new sleuths, who are often named Maggie or Kate, cover a lot of literary territory.
The Riordans caused scandal when one of the characters, named Maggie, went on the pill.