Willow confides she has an online relationship with a boy named Malcolm.
Son named Malcolm (born 1999)
A teenage boy named Malcolm is found living in the woods, and is one of the survivors of the Drago fire.
In 2293, a human named Malcolm dethroned him and became champion himself.
When he is younger he has an imaginary friend named Malcolm (Mållgan in Swedish), that only he can see.
Blackstone's was a snake named Malcolm who kept himself hidden most of the time.
Once she is back outside, a rabbit named Malcolm takes her to the forest king Ander, a grizzly bear.
The regiment was the creation of a wealthy and genial New York merchant named Malcolm.
In 1984, a young man named Malcolm graduated from the University of Toronto and moved to the United States to try his hand at journalism.
She turns and calls down the corridor for a guy named Malcolm and all the time she's leaning hard against the door trying to break my foot.