On 20 April 2011, Preciado's father, also named Manuel, died after being run over in Santander.
The story focuses on a poor but proud farmer named Manuel and his wife Maria.
His grandfather, his father and his son were all named Manuel but they also went by Tony.
The imperial forces were led by a lower ranking imperial official named Manuel.
Led by a man named Manuel, whose brothers were also involved.
"I do not want to make a scandal," said his father, also named Manuel.
It's owned by a man named Manuel.
Manecon gets its name, legend has it, from a man named Manuel, supposedly the first person to live in Chã, and his dog.
Daughter Ruby has an only son, named Manuel but nicknamed Manolo.
The surfer brushes past me and enters the room and tells Finn that someone named Manuel is on the phone.