Storms were named Lorenzo, Michelle, and Olga for the first time in 2001.
One front named Olga said she had to quit because her analyst said it was bad for her self-esteem.
The two heroines of this ballet were named Natasha and Olga.
They had one daughter named Olga, born in 1942.
Remember when Josef went with that girl named Olga?
All except a drunken old fortune-teller named Olga.
Their daughter, also named Olga, was born in 1916.
He married a woman named Olga, for whom we have no last name.
Her father liked the idea of having daughters named Olga and Tatiana, like the sisters in the famous poem.
Wackerstein also has an assistant named Olga, whom he always calls Igor, much to her chagrin.