Lily also detests Mikey because he has a scary dog named Rex who bit Bliss on her hand.
Victoria, meanwhile, lost, falls into the hands of a madman named Rex, who mistakes her for his dead wife and holds in his lair.
Warner also has a mean dog named Rex who hates John and always agrees with his master.
The blue and white seagull "49-Mile Scenic Drive" sign was designed by a local artist named Rex May.
One boyfriend named Rex was emotionally and verbally abusive, until her roommate Dorothy helped her see his true colors.
An ex-police dog named Rex inherits fortunes from his eccentric millionaire owner.
Instead of going sleigh-riding, she went walking with a lion named Rex on a leash, according to the account in "The Proper Bostonians."
Jinn also has a pet spider named Rex.
The film tells the story of a clumsy high school boy named Rex (Daniel Roebuck) who gets lost in a cave while on a class excursion.
At that moment, Heidi's dog, a shepherd named Rex, nuzzled her arm, signaling it was time for a walk.