Originally a house cat named Rusty, he left his human owners to become an apprentice in ThunderClan.
He sup-posed Smith could have found out he had a dog named Rusty.
Elvis lived there briefly and formed his first band, a folk duo named Rusty.
A robot named Rusty emerges from a shed in right field now and then, waving goodbye to opposing pitchers.
He had never owned a dog and was transformed by the animal he named Rusty.
The series follows a pet cat named Rusty who dreams about the forest that lies beyond the neighbourhood he lives in.
He now has a new ranch foreman (and "love interest") named Rusty.
The Grewals also have two dogs named Rusty and Dusty.
The team mascot is a dog named Rusty.
The films presented stories about a group of young children and their dog named Rusty.