They have two sons, named Miles and Sasha.
Kim is later replaced by a new character named Sasha in the TV series.
However, in the TV series, Will has a wife named Sasha.
Bolla is married to Dallas Boychuk, with whom he has a daughter named Sasha.
One recent visitor was a 33-year-old welder named Sasha, who came with his brother-in-law, a visitor from Ukraine.
He followed her back to Scranton, married her and had a young daughter named Sasha, who adores Michael.
She has one child, a son named Sasha.
Dixon meets a girl named Sasha to whom he lies about his real age.
His main weapon is a minigun which he named Sasha and treats like a person.
Meanwhile, another girl named Sasha is captured despite Angelika and Cavaldi's efforts to save her.