She has two elder brothers named Stuart and Avi.
Two more of the same design were obtained in 1841 named Stuart and Bute.
At length, one day, came a gentleman named Stuart.
She also has a younger brother named Stuart who tends to carry his teddy bear, Wolf, with him everywhere he goes.
It has signed up more than a million customers, many of them lured in by its big-budget ad campaign featuring a computer-savvy character named Stuart.
Jerry left Grumbel's in May 2012, naming Stuart as his successor.
"Jacob" was then illegally adopted by Liza Colby, who passed the baby boy off as her own biological son, whom she named Stuart.
As a courtesy, we were driven down a cobbled street between rows of houses dating back to the 1890s, past a war monument to a general named Stuart.
It featured an office clerk named Stuart who helped his boss, Mr. P, go online to trade stocks.
The deceased, a restaurant owner named Stuart, drowned in a boating accident off the Isle of Man, where the film takes place.