Waltman was married in 1990 to a woman named Terry.
After she returned, a red-haired man named Terry sometimes came by on his bicycle and would spend an hour or more upstairs at Mattie's.
The song is about the death of a young man named Terry, killed in a motorcycle accident.
Nonetheless, the couple adopted an 8-year-old boy, named Terry, in 1948.
Fabio puts me on my knees to fight with a guy named Terry.
It relates to the story of a girl named Terry who arrived at the cafe where they were asking for work waitressing.
Sol apparently has a name for each of his nuts, one is named Terry and the other one Berry.
During the 2007-08 season, the Whalers named Terry as their captain during road games.
While attempting to stop the robbery, another officer named Terry is taken hostage, along with seven other people.
They had a son named Terry.