Corinne gives birth to a baby named Timmy who turns out to be demon-possessed, and leaves home to raise her child after Dutch chooses Eunice.
Kathy named him Timmy, for reasons we have yet to explore, and we wrapped him up and tucked him behind books.
Funnily enough, my xbox-addicted little brother is named Timmy.
A boy named Timmy helps the players while they are resting outside the dungeons, near the underground entrance to Undermountain.
It's mentioned she has a twin brother named Timmy.
Keith has a sister named Allie and a brother named Timmy.
These guys, called Specialists, are named Sky, Brandon, Riven, and Timmy.
ThinkGeek has a mascot in the form of a monkey, named Timmy.
In 1942, a 10 year old boy named Timmy plays with a jigsaw puzzle of a nude woman when his mother walks in.
A small 11-year-old boy named Timmy was once taken to meet his idol, Calvin Murphy, the Houston Rockets' short star.