She has a dog named Toto.
That was why Dorothy went to her little room in the attic that afternoon, taking with her a small dog named Toto.
The main character in the story is named Toto, a very brave yet foolish hero.
She was nicknamed 'Luigi' and stands 5 ft 7 inches (170 cm), and has a dog named Toto.
He had a "mate" named Toto, but apparently never showed any interest in her.
A fuzzy little terrier dog, named Toto, lay at Dorothy's feet but seldom took part in the conversation, although he listened to every word that was said.
It features a comedic story about the game's main character, here named Toto.
Originally named Toto, he was dubbed "one of the world's most intelligent apes".
Shinichi follows the deer and sees a strange girl named Toto and falls in love with her.
The mascot of the chain is a caricature boy named Toto.