They have a son named Tyler and a daughter named Summer.
His boss was a young woman named Tyler, whom he knew casually in high school.
However, Chucky now realizes he is able to set a new goal to become human again, and reveals his true self to another boy named Tyler.
In the film version Mowat's character is a bookworm named Tyler who has never so much as been camping.
He has a younger brother named Tyler and a younger sister named Heather.
After meeting a lifeguard named Tyler, she slowly lets her guard down and together they start exploring the abandoned houses that dot the beach.
Senercia and his wife Theresa have a son named Tyler.
Wilhelmina recovers and decides not to name Tyler as her assailant, instead insisting she accidentally shot herself.
He's moved on now, I guess - got a new guy named Trevor or Tyler or something.
Bill has 2 sons, named Tyler and Nick.