Tex also had a girlfriend named Ursula, who wanted to live a content, happy life with him.
After the war he married Ursula, and they had one daughter, also named Ursula - later the wife of retired Colorado State Senator Michael Bird.
After that, two eels named Flotsam and Jetsam tell her about a seawitch named Ursula.
The romantic interest is a photographer named Ursula.
Her stepmother was named Ursula.
Hello used to have a girlfriend named Ursula.
She has an "evil" identical twin named Ursula who shares Phoebe's quirkiness but unlike Phoebe seems to be cruel and uncaring.
One night, two friends named Dominique (Alexz Johnson) and Ursula (Magda Apanowicz) are shown wandering around a graveyard.
They called their meeting space a "Parlor" and the founding group was named Ursula.
"In the shapely form of a twenty-year-old blonde named Ursula."