The club was formed in 1961 and was named after the year of its foundation.
We go to a bar called 1975, named after the year all hell broke loose.
The new section of the trail runs through the 1780 community, which is named after the year the militia marched through the Lake James area.
The result was the Type 61, named after the year in which the development was competed.
The 1880 Hall, named after the year the dining hall was completed, is home to the art gallery, reception area, and smaller performances.
The strain was named after the country where it was identified (Uganda) and the year of its discovery (1999).
C Map Named after the year the owner's father opened the restaurant, '46 has a solid Italian/international menu.
Rowe also regularly fills in for music director Richard Kingsmill on the new releases show '2012' (named after the current year).
Swan's 67' foot racing yacht '2041' is named after the year in which the 'Madrid Protocol' comes up for debate.
The IEEE titled this the 802 working group, named after the year and month of its formation.