On Friday, Vibe named Alan Light, the former music editor, as acting editor in chief.
First, he named John Brady, a 25-year veteran of the Sanitation Department, as acting director of ambulance maintenance.
Luciano finally named Genovese as acting boss.
And on Tuesday, he named the former superintendent in District 7 in the Bronx as acting superintendent after the board failed to fill the position.
The company named Miriam K. Frazer, its treasurer and vice president of corporate communications, as acting chief financial officer.
Then, while the world prepared to see in the year 2000, he suddenly resigned, naming Putin as acting president and his preferred successor.
At their meeting today, the commissioners named William F. Harrison, one of two assistant directors, as acting director.
When the 1984-89 presidential term expired, Noriega named a longtime associate, Francisco Rodríguez, as acting president.
He named David A. Klatell, the school's associate dean, as acting dean.
He named consigliere Eddie Sciandra as acting boss and removed himself from the day-to-day operations of the family.