Bithorn became the youngest manager in the league's history, named to the position in 1938 at the age of 22.
Obot was named to the episcopate on June 28, 1971, at the age of 35.
He later joined a Boston law firm, where he was named a partner at the age of 34.
For the 2007-08 season and on, Kroos was named to the senior team, at the young age of 17.
Lacasse was named to the Canadian senate at the age of 37 and died in office 25 years later.
Robert was named head chef two years later at the age of 23 after Germain retired.
He was named viceroy of Peru in 1639, at the age of 54.
Magnus Erlingsson was named king in 1161 at the age of five.
He was named Bucknell's 11th President at the age of 37.
Fouroux was named as Desclaux's successor in 1981 at the age of just 33.