At least, nots the name glyphs," he said, frowning.
Popol Hol is not the original name of this king but rather a nickname based on the appearance of his Teotihuacan-linked name glyph.
Ruler 3 is depicted on the 8th-century Altar Q but his name glyph has broken away.
Each figure is depicted seated on his name glyph.
His name glyph is also a combination of a snake and a jaguar.
Men and horses were commonly painted, and other popular motifs included footprints, hoofprints, name glyphs, bullets, and arrows.
I got some ideas, though, since I was able to match some place name glyphs, and we were right.
Aztec name glyphs for example do combine logographic elements with phonetic readings.
Ix Chel's Classic name glyph remains to be identified.
What Moctezuma does is actually take the turquoise-encrusted royal diadem and he uses that as his name glyph.