The album's sleeve contained the names of hundreds of fans as a thank you to everyone who supported them.
A request on a search engine for "hair restoration" quickly produced the names of group practices and hundreds of others.
Loukotka (1968) reports the names of hundreds of South American languages which do not have any linguistic documentation.
Although not a participant myself, I was inspired to see the names of hundreds of people inscribed in the book, mostly Birmingham residents.
In the four years since East Germany collapsed, the names of hundreds of streets and plazas in eastern states have been changed.
A quick Web search before we started our trip had given me the names of hundreds of restaurants in the greater Lake Charles area.
The Web site lists the names of hundreds of doctors across the country who it says perform abortions.
Inside are the names and histories of hundreds of Muslims who have disappeared from the area.
Up close, the papers are covered with the names and addresses of hundreds of art-world denizens.
The word diesel is in the names of hundreds of gas stations and car dealerships, he added.