They are incorporated by the name and title of the governor, deputy governor, assistants, and guardians of the poor of the town of Colchester.
The name of the governor of New York has arisen because he has not declared himself a candidate for re-election next year.
(Pause) "Write die name of the governor of our state.
Yuri read the name of the new provisional governor.
"He almost certainly did not know the name of the governor of Texas."
In New York City alone, there are countless road signs that bear the name of the governor or the mayor or even the name of a borough president.
In the 9th century Egypt was mostly governed by Turks (Tulunids, Ikhshidids) ruling in the name of the Muslim governor.
Aklan Governor's Cup is an annual amateur basketball league which is usually dubbed under the name of the incumbent governor of Aklan.
Coins were minted in Tabaristan in Khurshid's name until 764, whereafter the name of the Abbasid governor was substituted.
As these documents also list the name of the provincial governor, they provide valuable data on senators' career-paths.