Mathew Murphy received a street named in his honor on the east side of town.
The party also found another fresh water stream, which they named Success, on the west side of the Swan.
The idea is for the subject being examined to look at each card in turn, face down, and try to name the symbol on the other side.
First, the Time Master named an address on the other side of the street from the florist shop.
French named it for its location on the west side of Tamarack Lake.
He is one of the three deities named on the side of the city.
You will then ask for a house named Cosford, two leagues from the town on the side of a long hill.
Named in association with the 2,410 m butte of the same name on the west side of the glacier.
It was named from the triangular slope facets between prominent gullies on the west side of the valley.
It is named for its location on the western side of the Waitemata Harbour.