He reportedly did not name his mother in the book.
You named your mother," said Cadfael, "and time and place were all as they should be.
Both, of course, named his mother as beneficiary.
Her father named Joseph and his mother Christina (born Stantic).
Seneca's nephew Lucan, the poet, had even named his own mother as a conspirator, though no one took him seriously.
When asked whom they admired most, 44 percent of girls and 18 percent of boys named their mother.
His moms refused to be named Kittanning's mother, pointing out that it would appear dangerously close to incest with their adopted son.
Police said they were not naming the children's mother, who said later: 'I'm still in shock.
Instead a new framing story was created, following the antics of a boy named Bumfidel and his mother.
He lives with a 2-year-old son named Miguel and the boy's mother and stays by himself in a hotel when he is training.