However, he can be mostly named together with Ankaragücü where he played 5 seasons during which he was capped 9 times to national team.
Watt is named as a witness on the charter together with Nunna.
A reproduction of his sketch map is shown above, and the table identifies the localities named by him, together with their present name.
It was named in 1979 together with the completion of the road.
The Parry-Daniels map is named after him (together with the English mathematician Bill Parry).
Khensa is named as a King's Wife and King's Sister together with King Piye.
The island is named after Saint Brendan who claimed to have landed on it in 512 together with 14 monks, with whom he held a mass.
The poet also has a city street named after him together with a statue.
Ahead of the 2009-season, Petter Myhre was named co-coach together with Berntsen.