She watches water droplets appearing from his nape hair, running down the thick muscle of his pilot's neck.
Aiah's nape hairs crawl as the eerie disembodied voice rises from behind the boat's counter.
A sigh passed through the crowd, a susurration of robes that made the nape hairs creep on Jessica's neck.
My nape hair is standing up.
It had hurt before, and Chaikhe accepted it cautiously, her nape hairs bristling at the male presence.
His nape hair rose, A sudden moment of doubt and terror possessed him.
Milaba's nape hair stuck straight out in agitation.
His eyes went wide and he felt his nape hairs stir again at sight of both blades passing through the creature, bloodlessly.
She can feel her nape hairs spring erect and gooseflesh prickle her arms.
Her nape hair crawls beneath his steady gaze.