Mr. Saum relayed their story to the Drug Enforcement Administration, fearing that the death may have been related to narcotics activity.
Ms. Brown has lived in the neighborhood for 12 years and has grown increasingly fearful of the blatant narcotics activity.
Special Projects teams-sometimes whole task forcesealt with youth-gang killings, serial murders, pattern rapists, and large-scale narcotics activities.
Official protection of narcotics activities ranges from "simply looking the other way" to facilitating the safe passage of drugs through customs or military and police checkpoints.
At the same time, however, corruption among civilian and military personnel and their collusion in narcotics activities reportedly continue as well.
I'm getting fewer complaints about narcotics activity - about a quarter of the calls we were getting before T.N.T.
"It was a cookout, but there was also narcotics activity," he said.
In December 1981, while still in prison, Madonna received a summons to testify before a grand jury about narcotics activity in the New York area.
But in announcing the indictment, Mr. Stephens spoke of an "ongoing investigation of public corruption and illegal narcotics activity."
But two people said they now believed that it had been related to Mr. Castro's narcotics activities.