The three of them were the dregs-small-time narcotics dealers and a prostitute-picking up a sizable fee.
Asked whether the couple were major narcotics dealers, Chief Mordaga said "absolutely."
The police say they will be watching for narcotics dealers and unauthorized mass celebrations.
One prominent technology executive who prefers to remain anonymous compares the venture pack to narcotics dealers.
If Red control meant driving out the corporate raiders, the narcotics dealers, the extortionists and loan sharks, maybe it would all be for the best.
I don't care about a narcotics dealer, I can't see any reason why he should go on living.
Chithan works for a narcotics dealer, who is the antagonist.
The city force suffered a major scandal last year, when officers in Brooklyn were charged with stealing money and drugs from narcotics dealers.
A Federal agent with a theatrical bent goes undercover to trick narcotics dealers into betraying themselves.
A French narcotics dealer, low level, but he was skimming from the organization.