Chad is both inside and outside the diegesis, sometimes participating in the narrative action and sometimes commenting on it.
Cross-cutting also forms parallels; it illustrates a narrative action that happens in several places at approximately the same time.
Invisible editing, a semiotic term, that film editors use to almost decode the message for the audience using narrative actions.
This allowed the series to dwell on its subtext and unexpressed desires of its characters, rather than focusing solely on narrative action.
Plains pictorial art emphasizes narrative action and eliminates unnecessary detail or backgrounds.
Chief among Mr. Nicoletti's concerns were scenes that put people at places they weren't or plotted the narrative action out of chronological order.
The essentially poetic, even spiritual, tendencies of the genre were suppressed in favor of narrative action.
Unlike her previous videos, Madonna portrays a narrator, whose song comments on the story, appearing in shots completely different from the narrative action.
Although there are some common features to all narrative art, different cultures have developed idiosyncratic ways to discern narrative action from pictures.
There are more supplemental text descriptions to describe the scenes and more narrative action.