This means that cinema can undermine stable units of narrative meaning such as the nuclear family and heterosexual romance which have frequently been criticized by feminists.
Consequently, part of the film's narrative meaning was lost; some of the environmentalist themes were diluted as was the main subplot of the Ohmu, altered to turn them into aggressive enemies.
Single figures say much through their isolation; a hand gesture generates speculation about its narrative meaning, and an off-moment at a formal occasion gives an intriguing sense of voyeurism.
But it is, nevertheless, the possibility of a memory-image in the child and an imagination-image in the hearer that makes the essence of the narrative "meaning" of the words.
His images often incorporate fragments with erotic and mysterious undertones, building narrative meaning through contextualization and surreal juxtaposition.
Michael Atkinson believed that Rivette was working in the "border world between narrative meaning and cinematic artifice".
Here Pucelle adapts a specific scene from Duccio, but gives it a new narrative meaning.
"I think that on some level, trying to find a literal narrative 'meaning' to an ending like Limbo's is kind of a 'just for fun' thing."
"I am trying to walk a line between narrative meaning and nonsense," he said.
"Adventure" is a reference to Colossal Cave Adventure and has no thematic or narrative meaning nor any connection to adventure movies.