The narrative, spanning several generations and a wide economic spectrum, presents these developments in ways that are often ripely symbolic.
The narrative presents Ebenezer as a Künstlerroman hero.
The narrative presents almost every episode in a humorous manner, even when the events are quite serious.
The narrative often presents protracted digressions.
The story's narrative presents the Galaxions geologist Aria Schafer's point of view.
And so another easy narrative presented itself: aging star, after stinging defeat, musters a final great performance.
The Hopi narrative presents an unflattering picture of the Franciscan missionizing.
The narrative of Julian presents his life story but is very self-reflective in parts.
The narrative presents the events of the story in chronological order.
As the series progressed, the narrative and characters within the narrative presented a number of choices for the real identity of Supernova.