The lyrical imagery is often disjunctive, with words chosen for sound rather than narrative sense.
In my case, I was seeing acting, production design and camerawork, which, relieved of the obligation to make narrative sense, looked great.
This contributed to the story's failure to make any real narrative sense.
That "Manon of the Spring" makes little narrative sense on its own isn't surprising.
Aside from a few modern day sequences and references to the past, AC2 does a good job of standing on its own in a narrative sense.
Just why the movie doesn't make narrative sense is anybody's guess.
He has flow, his ideas rolling out of the horn with a narrative sense that keeps a listener interested.
However, he has one super-special rule that the robbers must agree to, but which makes zero narrative sense.
It is also carried by a powerful narrative sense and by an ear for effect.
The films are connected in a thematic rather than in a narrative sense.