The narrative shifts to a Swiss grandmother, traveling with her grandson whilst the boy's parents are touring the pyramids.
The narrative shifts into an extended flashback of Locke's time off the island, since he left it in "This Place is Death".
The narrative shifts produce a very different structure from the original Rebecca, as well as a more postmodern tone that emphasizes the various narrators' unreliability.
But the tone of the narrative shifts away from satire when Candide enters the Abare village.
With the decline of the Roman Empire, the narrative shifts to Medieval art, which lasted for a millennium.
The narrative shifts to Claude, Chris's brother, and Tobias, a male model, taking a trip through China Town.
The narrative shifts to three weeks before Kratos' imprisonment.
When the narrative shifts to Rose, her cover quickly crumbles to reveal a terrified old woman who feels pieces of her mind simply dropping away.
The narrative shifts to a few weeks later when Tim Gunn arrives at the contestants' homes to critique their collections.
Díaz moves between several styles in the novel as the narrative shifts to each of the characters.