They saw no reason not to push on through the narrows after sunset, the more so when the brothers offered to swim ahead as waterline lookouts.
The exit led to a wide road that narrowed after a mile and headed south and east into open country.
His gap with Nixon, according to White, narrowed briefly to 5 percentage points after a string of primary victories.
It narrowed after the same distance and ran on towards nothing visible.
"The booking window narrowed considerably after Sept. 11," he said.
Raging waters often flood these canyon narrows after a rain.
The river narrows somewhat after Tar Valon, but it must still be half a mile or more wide here.
The track soon narrowed to a small wagon road, and after this to a footpath through the forest, which sloped upwards before us.
It twists back and forth, then narrows after a while into sort of a canyon.