They have thin scales and narrow bracts that extend over the scales.
The inflorescence is a woolly cluster of narrow, leaflike bracts laced with webby fibers.
The first flowers bear narrow bracts.
The inflorescence is an array of spherical flower heads, each surrounded by sharp-pointed, narrow bracts with thickened edges.
Between the flowers are long, narrow bracts which may be 3 centimeters long, the defining characteristic of the species.
The flowers appear in the autumn and are borne in a dense raceme containing small narrow bracts.
Inflorescences occur beneath the crownshaft, emerging from a narrow, horn-shaped bract.
Each head has an array of narrow, toothed bracts at its base.
Along the top edge of the tube are three narrow bracts tipped in hooked awns.
The inflorescence is made up of many narrow bracts between which emerge the white to bright yellow pouched flowers.