Five of them turbaned, with narrow, gray-black braids dangling beneath the neck-flap meant to shield flesh against the sun.
It's off-white cotton with soutache, a narrow flat braid used for trimming.
On this day she was wearing an ankle-length black skirt , a black sweater and moccasins; her hair was in long, narrow braids.
The second crewman was smaller, but just as muscular as the first with stringy blond hair caught back in a narrow braid.
When he turned to walk away I could see a narrow braid extending halfway down his back.
"Bobbin" can also refer to narrow braid formerly used as trimming.
Nynaeve had a fistful of her narrow braids in a white-knuckled grip.
First, though, she changed her hair to a tassel of long narrow braids, her dress to clinging folds of dark green silk.
Meidani made a small sound in her throat, and Bernaile's head twitched, her multitude of narrow beaded braids rattling against one another.
Rickrack is a "flat narrow braid woven in zigzag form, used as a trimming for clothing or curtains."