In the meantime, I believe that it would be rash to read too much into the opinion by taking it out of its narrow context.
The use of restraint must be within a narrow context and affecting only a very small number of residents, he said.
In that narrow context, the ad is not out of bounds.
The term refining is used in a narrower context.
The issue has been considered so far in the narrow context of a union between an operated transsexual and another.
The descriptions below apply mainly in this narrower context.
Few data stores are available with the intent to provide public write-access, except in narrow contexts.
The court noted that the seal was used in "the very narrow context of authenticating legal documents," albeit some 24,000 a year.
In narrow contexts, additive and subtractive methods may compete with each other.
It is impossible to deal with this issue within the narrow context of the existing Member States.